Meet statutory administration and finance requirements in your secondary school

All of our training and resources have been designed in line with the latest DfE and wider government guidance around school administration and finance to support compliance and help your secondary school meet its statutory requirements.

Data protection in schools
The policies and processes settings need to protect personal data and respond effectively to a personal data breach
Working together to improve school attendance
Guidance to help schools, academy trusts, governing bodies, and local authorities maintain high levels of school attendance including roles and responsibilities
School suspensions and permanent exclusions
Statutory guidance on the suspension and permanent exclusion of pupils from local-authority-maintained schools and academies
Convert to an academy: documents for schools
A collection of documents from the DfE that schools converting to an academy will need as they go through the conversion process

Raise standards in your secondary school across all areas of administration and finance

Clarify roles and responsibilities, upskill staff and make sure everyone in your secondary school has the knowledge and skills they need to become efficient and effective in all areas of administration and finance.