Meet statutory SEND requirements in your independent school

All of our training and resources have been designed in line with the latest ISI, DfE, and wider government guidance around SEND to help your independent school meet its statutory requirements and support compliance.

SEND Code of Practice
Statutory guidance on the SEND system for children and young people, including details of legal requirements schools must follow
Independent School Standards
The eight regulatory standards by which all independent schools must comply, including how provision should be adapted for pupils with SEND
Teachers' Standards
The standards that set the minimum requirements for teachers’ practice and conduct, including having a clear understanding of pupils’ needs, such as those with SEND
The Engagement Model
Guidance for teachers and practitioners to use as an assessment tool for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum tests

Raise standards in your independent school across all areas of SEND

Clarify roles and responsibilities, upskill staff and make sure everyone in your independent school has the knowledge and skills they need to help identify, support and help fulfil the potential of children with SEND.