Case Study:
Chivenor Primary School
Chivenor Primary School has a strong tradition of being welcoming,
diverse and vibrant, aiming to provide the widest possible range of activities
and experiences for the children.
In addition, the school places a huge focus on ensuring
that they deliver high-quality, informative professional development to their
staff. Dawn Cox, Deputy Headteacher, joined us to discuss how the school has
benefitted from joining The National College and gaining unlimited access to a
wealth of expert-led webinars and courses.
Accessing high-quality CPD
Reflecting on her role at the school, Dawn said: "My
role involves providing CPD to our staff, which is where The National College
comes in."
"We can signpost our staff to complete the training
online, which is great,” she explained.
She added: "We've tied The National College in with our performance management targets this year too."
She nodded: "It's great from a directed CPD point of
view and from a personal perspective, if there were any areas that they would
like to explore themselves."
Online safety training and resources
Chivenor Primary School has benefitted from our
multi-award-winning online safety training and resources, which can be accessed
by the whole school community.
Dawn revealed: "With National Online Safety, we really
like the #WakeUpWednesday guides."
"We share those on Twitter too, they're really nice
visual guides,” she continued.
She commented: “It's great to keep parents and carers up to
date with the latest apps, games and devices."
"It provides online safety training and knowledge for
them at home, which is great,” she said.
She continued: "If there is a new online safety risk,
you can find the latest information on there."
"Time is precious and it saves us a lot of work,” she
She added: “We find the training very useful too. We may ask
our staff to complete a course in a specific area, to make sure that they are
aware of the latest online dangers."
"It's important to keep their online safety knowledge
up to date,” she highlighted.
Moving forward with The National College
Discussing the benefits of our membership, Dawn reflected: "We
find the platform very useful because it is subject-specific."
"I think the biggest benefit is that the new platform is
regularly updated. There is so much available in one place.” she said.
"Our staff can go online and complete any CPD that they are interested in, and it provides evidence for their performance management review. It's very useful."
She continued: “There is new content being released all the
time, which is great."