Case Study:
Compass Primary Academy
Lockdown has meant that schools are having to place a continued focus on the importance of remote safeguarding.
With a strong desire to protect their pupils online throughout what is a challenging period, Compass Primary Academy were toasting double success in achieving both our respective Safe Remote Education and Certified School accreditations.
Elated with both the awards, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Frances Dunn, was delighted that the whole school community have played a part in these accomplishments.
A two-fold achievement
Both accreditations are a testament to how seriously the school views online safety as a collective Mrs Dunn feels, and is looking forward to showcasing them further.
Speaking about the Certified School status first, Mrs Dunn said: “It’s fantastic, and it’s really nice that it’s something we’ve worked on together, so we’ve got a real sense of achievement with that. We’ve also completed the Safe Remote Education Accreditation too now – so we’ve got both and we’re really proud.
“A part of the Safe Remote Education Accreditation which has been really beneficial is, from a governors’ perspective, it has allowed us to open up our dialogue further and will support us to continue to work collaboratively.
“We’ve always recognised that online safety is important, but I think increasingly so during lockdown, where there’s been an increase in online activities.
“When we are able to, we will be displaying with pride both our certificates for everyone to see.”
Strong staff uptake
Personal development and enhancement of pre-existing knowledge are a big driver at Compass Primary Academy, and there’s been a real intent from all staff across the board to engage.
“We actively encourage CPD and promote our multi academy trust – Brooke Weston Trust - value of ‘Ambition for All’. It’s a running commentary across the school – so we’ve created a NOS league table for staff to encourage friendly competition,” she revealed.
“The NOS website is very easy to navigate which makes it very easy to both track and monitor who is undertaking training and which training they are accessing.
“The other schools in the Brooke Weston Trust family may be joining NOS as well, if they haven’t already. It would be fantastic to work towards the Trust Accreditation as a collective.”
Informative updates
Of course, more time at home means more time spent online and the subsequent risks which come with that are only too evident.
However, through our weekly #WakeUpWednesday series, Mrs Dunn says parents have been able to empower themselves in relation to the latest app and game releases.
She explained: “Even if you think you know it all, when it comes to certain apps, there is usually something new to learn from the parent guides.
“Parents have approached us to say their child has been on TikTok or other apps and games. They are unsure what they can do to help keep their child safe. Now with NOS we can just direct them to the relevant guide which has all the information needed.”