Image of Myanmar International School Yangon

Case Study:
Myanmar International School Yangon

International - School Leadership Leading CPD

Myanmar International School Yangon is an all-through school, catering for students from early years to sixth form.

Lynda Howe, Head of School, joined us to discuss how our One Platform membership has equipped all staff with bespoke training, delivered by world-leading experts through our state-of-the-art professional development platform.

High-quality, informative professional development

Lynda said: “Most of our students are from the local community. Local families who want to find a better education for their children tend to come to our school.”

Myanmar International School Yangon places a significant focus on ensuring that they deliver high-quality and informative professional development to their school staff.

Lynda explained: “As I’m sure is the case in most schools, the development of our staff is essential to us. Finding resources and training that help us to do that is always very important.”

“We have several local teachers and teaching assistants from our local community. Access to good training is quite limited here, for lots of different reasons,” she continued.

Every webinar, course and resource on The National College platform is developed and delivered by experts considered amongst the best in their field.

She added: “We wanted to find something that would be helpful for our local staff in particular, giving them an opportunity to look at best practices for international teaching and learning.”

The National College provides, in one place, everything that education settings need to meet bespoke training needs for different roles.

Lynda said: “It’s the same with our support staff, our admin staff, our maintenance staff, all roles. We try to find resources that might be useful to develop their skills further.”

“We are looking for child protection and safeguarding training for our staff. That’s an annual requirement that we have.”

She continued: “That was our initial reason for joining The National College. Equally, we saw that there was a lot of other content available on the platform that we could use.”

Role-specific training for all school staff

Our state-of-the-art platform allows members to develop watchlists for different staff roles, departments, subjects, year groups or new starters and implement professional development that is specific to individual needs.

Lynda explained: “I was looking at our user report today, and it’s quite interesting.”

“The local staff here absolutely love any kind of training. Anything that is offered to them, they will take that on. I can see that a lot of them have completed various courses, just for their own benefit,” she smiled.

“Sometimes we will have a discussion and recognise a particular training need, and we will recommend a course or webinar on your platform.”

“Recently, we had a student with epilepsy join our school. We found the relevant course on your platform and could very quickly direct the staff to that training, as they may not have been exposed to this before.”

She continued: “That’s how we tend to use it, to support what we’re doing in the school.”

“I think that the people who have benefitted the most have been our local staff who have a good-enough level of English to access the courses and webinars,” she continued.

“They have really enjoyed the training and certainly benefitted from what is available on the platform.”

“Plus, it allows us to direct people to the training that we would like them to complete,” she noted.

“We can follow up and remind people who may not have completed it yet, which is really helpful.”

“When I was looking at the report today, our board of directors have been using the platform quite a lot too. There were all kinds of courses that they have been accessing. It was interesting to see how useful they have been finding the training,” she commented.