Image of Highgate Primary Academy

Case Study:
Highgate Primary Academy

Primary - Improvement & Inspections School Improvement Leading CPD Primary - Staff & Recruitment

Highgate Primary Academy's aim is to provide a stimulating learning environment which will give each child an opportunity to develop her or his potential to the full.

In September, Highgate Primary Academy made the decision to join The National College and take advantage of our One Platform membership. Devinder Riat, Principal, joined us to discuss how the academy has benefitted from our award-winning professional development so far.

Joining The National College

Reflecting on his career to date, Devinder said: “I'm the principal at Highgate Primary Academy. My career started back in 1991 and since then I've worked as a senior leader in several schools.”

“I've worked with school inspection the UK and internationally, and I'm a school improvement adviser and consultant. My work has taken me across the UK and abroad, which has meant working with numerous schools and school leaders,” he continued.

Highgate Primary Academy recognises the importance of high-quality professional development to ensure the whole school workforce is always one step ahead in complying with the latest DfE guidance and best practice.

“We place a lot of emphasis on training and development,” Devinder said.

He continued: “We joined The National College in September and I think the interface is very user-friendly.”

“It was recommended on several occasions and was best aligned to the school’s needs.”

Professional development for all roles and responsibilities

Our One Platform membership provides all staff with instant and unlimited access to high-quality, up-to-date CPD they can trust, helping education settings drive up standards.

Devinder said: “We have asked staff to complete different aspects of the training, aligned to their roles and responsibilities.”

“The courses sit very well with our school’s ethos and what we are trying to achieve on a daily basis,” he added.

“It all starts with our staff and creating a learning culture. The National College gives us a wide range of topics which can be used in whole-school meetings or assigned to individuals.”

The National College closely follows the latest guidance, policy and best practice, delivering a market-leading programme of webinars and courses to help education settings meet statutory requirements and enhance outcomes in key areas, such as teaching and learning, online safety and mental health.

Devinder continued: I find that the professional development is incredibly timely and in line with the latest trends and requirements in education.”

“New courses are being added all the time,” he commented.

“I can certainly see an uplift in understanding and how the information is being used within the school. I find it a truly immense, valuable resource bank for our school.”

Devinder continued: “It’s extremely user-friendly, as I’ve said, and I like the dashboard too.”

“I can see an overview of what is completed and what is outstanding. Being an admin user, I can track other staff and see where the training and development is.”

“There is a lot of professional development on the platform which provokes discussion and challenges your understanding.”

“I think the biggest benefit is that we can align the webinars and courses to our yearly overview of professional development. We can monitor and develop individuals, groups or teams,” he stated.

“Moving forward, I can certainly see The National College becoming an integral central part of that process.”