Image of Diverse Academies Trust

Case Study:
Diverse Academies Trust

Primary - Improvement & Inspections School Improvement Leading CPD Primary - Staff & Recruitment Secondary - Improvement & Inspections School Improvement Leading CPD Secondary - Staff & Recruitment

Founded in September 2011, Diverse Academies Trust is a multi-academy trust consisting of 14 academies – six secondary, six primary and two special – across Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.

Jamie Tegerdine, Strategic Lead for Teaching, Learning & Professional Development, joined us to discuss how the trust has benefited from our brand-new One Platform membership.

Powerful CPD management for leaders

Diverse Academies Trust places a huge focus on ensuring that it delivers high-quality and informative professional development to its staff. Reflecting on the trust’s journey with The National College, Jamie said: “We've been members with The National College for a few years now.”

With The National College, school leaders also gain access to CPD management software unlike anything else on the market: an online space where they can take full control of planning, directing, recording, and reporting on all CPD activity across the trust in just a few clicks.

“We have around 1,200 staff members across the trust, so it provides a great way of tracking their professional development and what is being completed on the platform,” Jamie added.

“It reduces workload, and we have that data at our fingertips to show which staff have accessed the training.”

One platform, one provider, one price

At The National College, we take the hassle out of CPD delivery and management with a unique, cost-effective option for educators: one provider, one platform, one price.

Jamie revealed: “It’s great that with the new platform, everything is all in one place and all of our details have moved across to the new website.”

“It’s much easier being able to find all of the online safety resources and the professional development from The National College all in one place.”

He continued: “We’ve had a lot of good feedback on that.”

“It’s very simple to use and easy to navigate too.”

“The whole platform looks much sleeker, and I found that I could use it myself without having to ask for help or read any further information, which is a good sign. It’s very straightforward”

“Now that the platform is combined, I think that will push our staff to use it much more and will make things a lot easier,” he concluded.

Meeting statutory requirements

Our One Platform membership offers unlimited access to over 2,500 webinars, courses, guides, policy templates and resources, delivered by education and online safety experts of national and international renown, to help trusts meet their statutory requirements and drive up standards.

Jamie said: “From a trust point of view, the statutory safeguarding courses are really useful for us.”

“It gives us consistency across the whole trust, and everyone can complete the same training on the platform,” he explained.

He added: “I think for us, the biggest benefit is having access to personalised learning.”

“It’s great that people can just drop on to the platform and choose what they would like to learn about.”

He commented: “We hear staff members sharing recommendations in meetings too, which is really good.”