Case Study:
Timbercroft Primary School
South-east based Timbercroft Primary School provide education for children from the ages of 3 – 11, with Foundation, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 schooling.
As the online world continues to evolve and change, many schools are assessing the best way to equip themselves with online safety knowledge.
Ultimately, Timbercroft opted to purchase our Certified School Package to enhance their eSafety provision, leading to them recently achieving a personal certified school accreditation as a result of following all of the necessary training steps.
A whole school approach to CPD
Timbercroft have reaped the rewards since implementing the use of our extensive programme – utilising all of the topic-specific training and resources which were on offer.
This has led to a positive response across the board, from all staff alike, who’ve individually undertaken CPD training with National Online Safety.
Angela Cartwright, Head of School at Timbercroft Primary School said: “The Executive Headteacher has used training before for their own CPD and I visited the National Online Safety stall at the recent Bett Show and spoke with your colleague regarding what the online resources offered.
“The courses are easy to use, access and are broken into manageable chunks. There has also been good CPD for whole staff and up to date training for Designated Safeguarding Leads.
“Having an online platform makes managing own time easier, and we also designate time for staff to be able to complete.
“It is a relevant resource that our Designated Safeguarding Leads access more regularly that our class teachers, but they are also aware that the site if there to support as needed.”
Proactive eSafety measures
Having a dedicated organisation alerting the school to any fresh developments or issues in the online world has been extremely advantageous for the school, because of the subsequent action that they can take to handle the matter.
This has been fed through via a multitude of channels, whether that be by our weekly #WakeUpWednesday guides, personalised CPD training or online safety newsletter updates.
“Whenever I have had to contact National Online Safety everyone has been helpful and responded quickly to my queries. The site has been useful to respond to issues that have arisen in terms of resources/posters re specific instances that have arisen,” Miss Cartwright highlighted.
“Weekly updates (#WakeUpWednesday guides) keep an awareness in my mind and ensure that that topical information is relevant.”