Image of Poole High School

Case Study:
Poole High School

Secondary - Improvement & Inspections School Improvement Secondary - Staff & Recruitment Leading CPD

Dorset’s Poole High School have recently purchased their Whole School Membership with The National College and are already beginning to see the benefits. 

The COVID-19 pandemic meant that opportunities for staff development were limited, but through our 100% remote learning hub, users have the capability to undertake expert-led video CPD, anywhere and anytime. 

Staff at Poole High School have taken full advantage. 

Remote learning hub 

The lockdown period meant that staff had new internal and external factors to juggle, so having the flexibility around learning was essential. 

Lorraine Garner-Watts, Pastoral/Behaviour Support Assistant at Poole High School said: “The National College Whole School Membership was purchased for all staff to participate in by our Business Manager.

“I like the fact that you can return to courses at your leisure and open new courses to return to even though you are already participating in one. 

“I think that even though you have completed a course, the fact that you can go back to different modules after completion is great.” 

High-quality knowledge 

Our courses are robust and allow for topic-specific learning, whether that be to enhance your prior knowledge or commence a new subject area.

“Personally, I have found that the courses I have undertaken have been very informative in new areas and good in terms of refreshers, in some areas which I already had prior knowledge,” she revealed. 

“One of my initial concerns was about the amount of information being given prior to an end of course exam or test, but ultimately this has not proven to be an issue at all.”