Case Study:
Hackbridge Primary School
When Hackbridge Primary School achieved their certified school accreditation this year, it reflected their dedication and hard work towards establishing a culture of online safety across the whole school community.
Taking a whole school approach to keeping their children safe online really worked for the Surrey-based school, who yielded a real togetherness as a result.
Natasha Edmonds-Chappell, Assistant Headteacher (Designated Lead for Safeguarding & Designated Teacher for LAC), spoke at length about how the package has benefited them as a school community.
Why did you choose National Online Safety?
To further our provision of online safety lessons for pupils and National Online Safety produces high quality resources.
Also, you offered training for staff at all levels and it is also current and always supports with local and national issues.
Could you tell me a little bit more about the package/resources you’ve purchased and how you found these? (for example our lesson plan bundles, DSL membership)
Full Certified School membership to all lesson plans and bundles as well as staff and parent training.
How have you found the service from National Online Safety?
Excellent. The online support is excellent with speedy response times. #WakeUpWednesdays are always current and easy to share with the school community and they are continuously updating their training.
How much of a benefit has National Online Safety’s resources been to your school?
Huge benefit. It has ensured that stakeholders are able to see that we hold a high profile with regards to online safety and continue this throughout the school year with all age groups.
What were the goals for using our resources?
To ensure we are covering the curriculum with online safety, however we have achieved so much more.
What is your feedback on our weekly #WakeUpWednesday guides? How would you say they’ve added to your e-safety approach?
Continue to ensure we have at least one online safety related news each week.
How much of a benefit has the ability to undertake courses and training on an online platform, in your own time been?
This has been essential during the lockdown and supports our on-going social distancing needs. Having said that this was a preferred method before lockdown as well and particularly the ability to stop and start as needed.
How have you found the use of our new Online Safety Hub? What differences have you noticed from the previous layout?
Smart platform that is easy to use and follow.
You recently achieved your Certified School Status – how rewarding has it been to be awarded with this?
Very rewarding and pleasing the school community are also interacting with this resource.