Image of Braeburn Group of International Schools

Case Study:
Braeburn Group of International Schools

International - School Leadership Leading CPD

Braeburn is a group of 19 co-educational international schools spread over 11 campuses, providing world-class teaching of the British National Curriculum to over 5,000 pupils. The schools actively value and celebrate diversity, nurturing personal growth by providing a friendly and supportive environment. 

Laura Stansfield, Assistant Headteacher, joined us to discuss how the Braeburn Group of International Schools has benefitted from our award-winning professional development for the whole school workforce.

The importance of CPD for the Braeburn Group

Laura said: “With the growth of the Braeburn Group, the opportunity arose for me to join as the Primary Curriculum Assessment Coordinator supporting the 11 schools. So, I've been doing that since 2023.”

Braeburn Group of International Schools places significant importance on providing tailored professional development opportunities for its school staff.

“CPD is certainly a priority, and always has been within our school improvement plans. I think internationally, we don't always have the same access to training as other parts of the world, and so having an online platform has been really valuable,” she explained.

Joining The National College

At The National College, we take the hassle out of CPD delivery and management with a unique, cost-effective option for educators: one provider and one platform. 

Our membership supports schools across the globe to meet essential training requirements and international accreditation frameworks, drive up standards, and retain the best staff.

Reflecting on staff feedback, Laura revealed: “This is our first year using The National College, and it's definitely something that our staff appreciate.”

“We've always had positive feedback and we're always looking for ways in which our staff can have access to a range of CPD,” she commented.

“It's the teachers that interact with our children the most, so it's important to us that they have the subject knowledge, the confidence, and the skills to provide the best learning opportunities for the pupils.”

Through our cost-effective membership, the Braeburn Group of International Schools has equipped all staff with evidence-based techniques to raise standards and enhance pupil outcomes. 

“For us, we found that the biggest benefit was the range of CPD that the platform covers. It has everything from safeguarding to primary and secondary curriculum. Plus, we can upskill our admin staff and school nurses. It reaches so many of our staff, it’s fantastic. That was our main attraction to The National College,” Laura explained.

She continued: “The SLT has chosen certain webinars and courses that they ask all staff members to complete, dependent on their school improvement plan. Then, they have provided staff with the option to complete CPD of their choosing, based on their own appraisal targets and what they are looking to develop personally.”

Tailored professional development opportunities for all staff 

Laura commented: “The best thing about The National College is that we can upskill our teachers, teaching assistants, admin staff and just the whole school workforce.

“We find the #WakeUpWednesday guides really useful too. We have been sending those out to parents in our newsletters,” she added. 

“Plus, it’s such an easy process to make sure that everyone has completed what they need to. You can download certificates and send those to different departments, and if you haven’t completed your CPD, you will receive an email reminder.

“No matter how advanced technology is getting, it can’t replace what the teacher does in the classroom and how they respond to the children’s needs there. So for us, sharing that knowledge, understanding and best practice is essential,”   Laura observed.