Image of Highley Community Primary School

Case Study:
Highley Community Primary School

Primary - Improvement & Inspections School Improvement Leading CPD Primary - Staff & Recruitment

Highley Community Primary School aims to maximise each learning opportunity and celebrate children’s successes every step of the way.

Tom Plim, Headteacher, offered an insight into how The National College has provided the whole school workforce with award-winning CPD, delivered by education experts.

Joining The National College

Reflecting on the school’s decision to join The National College, Tom said: "In the first instance, our safeguarding training was due to be renewed and the whole school needed to take part in that."

"We had a face-to-face training session booked, but then we went into the national lockdown,” he continued.

He said: “We decided to look into online CPD providers, and we came across The National College.”

A wealth of CPD

Tom explained that Highley Community Primary School are pleased with our CPD offer, which enables them to tailor training to individual needs, and helps them keep up with changes in education policy and practice.

He said: “The offer was fantastic, not just for child protection training but for curriculum focused content too.”

“The range of webinars and courses is very broad, and the membership was excellent value for money too,” he continued.

Tom added: "I think that one of the best features is how regularly the content is updated."

"Every month, there are new webinars added. It's very current," he nodded.

He continued: "The quality of the experts is great too. That counts for a lot."

"When we joined The National College, we were looking at refreshing our curriculum in terms of intent, implementation and impact,” he said.

Tom said: "That's something that really drew me towards the platform."

"We have been able to quickly direct our staff to bespoke webinars and courses that apply to their individual roles." he commented.

He said: "The Ofsted focused content is very useful too. There are so many webinars and courses in that area."

Award-winning online learning platform

Highley Community Primary School have seen a strong staff uptake since joining, and Tom is impressed with how the workforce has approached the wealth of training available.

"Staff uptake has been excellent. They can access the platform when it is convenient for them,” he said.

He continued: "They can fit the professional development in around their other responsibilities."

"We use the user groups and watchlists a lot too, which is great because it shows relevant training for different roles,” he added.