Case Study:
Wenlock C of E Junior School
"The whole platform itself is so easy to manage and use, so it made sense to make that jump and sign up for School Membership with The National College."
These are the words of School Business Manager, Paula Marshall.
Through timely webinar and course updates from The National College, the whole school workforce at Wenlock C of E Junior School has remained on top of their statutory requirements, as well as discovering new areas for professional development.
A heightened focus on CPD
Individual staff members who had gained first-hand experience of The National College were delighted with the clear, concise presentation of our webinars and courses.
Keen to explore further, Wenlock C of E Junior School got in touch and subsequently signed up for School Membership.
"We've always had quite a bit of focus on CPD at the school," Paula explained.
"We used The National College previously for individual staff members, but during lockdown we moved to using The National College for all of our CPD needs."
"When we first signed up for School Membership, we specifically focused on the general health and safety courses. That was our starting point, we prioritised a big chunk of courses mandatory for our staff such as first aid and prevent duty." she explained.
Paula continued: "The thing that's really been picked up by staff is that they can access anything they'd like on the platform."
"It has made a huge difference."
Wenlock C of E Junior School have seen a strong staff uptake since joining, and Paula is proud of how the workforce has approached the wealth of training available.
"Because we had used The National College before, we knew how good the CPD was."
"A lot of staff had completed the courses and said how great they were." she revealed.
Our CPD offer appealed to the school – both in terms of quality of content and presentation, and the facility to monitor activity at the click of a button.
Paula explains: "On the CPD tracker, you can see who has completed webinars or courses and how long has been spent doing that."
"The whole platform itself is so easy to manage and use, so it made sense to make that jump and sign up for School Membership with The National College."
The biggest positive of joining The National College
School leaders and staff don’t have endless amounts of time on their hands, so having concise but authoritative updates available as and when needed is essential.
Our state-of-the-art CPD platform allows staff to complete training at a time that suits them, and this is something which has really worked out for all involved at Wenlock C of E Junior School.
Paula comments, "I think for me, it was moving all our CPD under one provider."
"For teaching staff, the fact that they can access the curriculum changes on a more regular basis has made it a lot easier for them. They appreciate that flexibility." she added.