Image of Kings Priory School

Case Study:
Kings Priory School

Primary - Improvement & Inspections School Improvement Leading CPD Primary - Staff & Recruitment Secondary - Improvement & Inspections School Improvement Secondary - Staff & Recruitment Leading CPD

When assessing their CPD need, Kings Priory School wanted to offer all staff the opportunity to access personalised training, which was relevant to their respective roles.

Becoming a School Member of The National College has given the Tynemouth-based school this capability, and the benefits of our expert-led, remote video CPD are already being garnered.

To learn more, we spoke with Assistant Principal, Paul Robertson, who spoke of specific plus points from the platform and positive early indicators.

Entering into the new normal

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided many challenges for the education sector, let alone when it comes to staff training.

But, as Mr Robertson highlighted, The National College provided not only a safe, but a high-quality way of completing CPD.

He said: “For us it was about best practice during working through COVID, we needed a platform where staff could access CPD without having to be in groups or on school site so from that view it worked well.

“Also leadership needed to have a better overview of what staff were doing and a better way of directing all staff to relevant personalised CPD from catering to middle leaders.”

Further opportunities for development

This is only the start for Kings Priory School, who are excited to delve further into the breadth of content which exists on our bespoke National Hub.

“I’ve been impressed so far with the take up from our staff, but I don’t feel we have fully utilised all the training as of yet,” he explained.

“I feel that the curriculum and reading are very important for us but also just elements of teaching that we all need to be reminded of. The basic principles – behaviour for learning, AFL and more, that there should be some go to courses.”

A wealth of positives

Reverting back to that message of a whole-school approach to personal development, Mr Robertson was quick to praise the options which The National College gives each staff member, anywhere at any time.

He declared: “It was very important to have a remote learning platform during the pandemic!

“The best thing about The National College is the overview and choice that all school staff can have – not just teachers.

“Recording external CPD is also a crucial feature of the platform too.”